html5 test upwork

130.  Which of the following video file formats are currently supported by the <video> element of HTML 5.0?
b. MPEG 4***Answer**
c. Ogg***Answer**
d. 3GPP

131.   Which of the following are valid values for the contenteditable attribute of theelement in HTML 5.0?
a.true ***Answer**
b.false ***Answer**

132.         How does a button created by the <button> tag differ from the one created by an <input>tag ?
a. An input tag button can be a reset button too.
b. A button tag button can be a reset button too.
c. An input tag button can include images as well.***Answer**
d. A button tag can include images as well.

133.         Which media event is triggered when there is an error in fetching media data in HTML 5.0?
a. onstalled
b. onwaiting
c. onsuspend***Answer**

134.         Which of the following attributes comes in handy when borders have to be put between groups of columns instead of every column?
d. row

135.         Which of the following is NOT a valid attribute for the element in HTML 5.0?

136.         Which of the following HTML 5.0 elements is used to embed Java applets into your HTML 5.0 web page?
c. <source>

137. Which of the following are the valid values of the <a> element's target  attribute in HTML5?
Ans: a._blank
          b. _self
   c. _top

138. Which media event is triggered when there is an error in fetching media data in HTML5?

Ans: a.Onstalled

139. What is the internal/wire format of input type=”date” in HTML5?
Ans: a. YYYY-MM-DD

140. How can audio files be played in HTML5? 
var sound = new Audio("file.wav");
Ans: d.;

141. True or False:
HTML5 Canvas can be used to create images.
Ans: a. True

142. Which event is fired when an element loses its focus in an HTML5 document?
Ans:c. Onblur

143. Which of the following are sample use cases for HTML5 web workers?
Ans: d. All of these

144. In HTML5, which of the following is not a valid value for the type attribute when used with the <command> tag shown below?  <command type="?">Click Me!</command>

Ans: a.       Button

145. What is the limit to the length of HTML attributes?
Ans: a. There is no limit

146. Which following are valid default values for the <input type="date"> HTML5 element?

Ans: b. 2013-05-30

147. Which is the standard method for clearing a canvas?
Ans: a. context.clearRect ( x, y, w, h);

148. Once an application is offline, it remains cached until the following happens (select all that apply):
Ans: b.       The manifest file is modified

149. How does a button created by the <button> tag differ from the one created by an <input> tag?
Ans: d. A button tag can include images as well.

150. Which HTML5 doctype declarations are correct?
Ans: c. <!DOCTYPE html>

151. Which of the following <link> attributes are not supported in HTML5?
Ans: a. Rev,  d.charset

152. The following are valid use cases of client file/directory access in HTML5, except:
Ans: c.        Use of HTML5 File API

153. Which method of HTMLCanvasElement is used to represent image of Canvas Element?
Ans: a. toDataURL()

154.         What does p2p streaming mean when web applications establish a p2p HTTP connection using HTML?
Ans: a. It means that streaming of a voice/video frame is direct, without using any server between them.

155. When does the ondragleave mouse event get fired in HTML5?
Ans:b.  It gets fired when an element leaves a valid drop target

Question:Which of the following is the best method to detect HTML5 Canvas support in web browsers?

Question:Assuming that some text needs to be written on an HTML5 canvas, select a replacement for the commented line below: <canvas id="e" width="200" height="200"></canvas> <script> var canvas = document.getElementById("e"); //insert code here context.fillStyle = "blue"; context.font = "bold 16px Arial"; context.fillText("Zibri", 100, 100); </script>
Answers:var context = canvas.getContext("2d");

Question:Which event is fired when an element loses its focus in an HTML5 document?

Question:Which of the following examples contain invalid implementations of the ampersand character in HTML5?
Answers:foo &0; bar

Question:Which of the following is the correct way to store an object in a localStorage?
Answers:localStorage.setItem('testObject', JSON.stringify(testObject))

Question:Which of the following shows correct use of client-side data validation in HTML5, on username and password fields in particular?
Answers:<input name="username" required /> <input name="pass" type="password" required/>

Question:Which of the following will detect when an HTML5 video has finished playing?
Answers:var video = document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0]; video.onended = function(e) { }

Which of the following is the best method to store an array in localStorage?
var names = []; names[0] = prompt("New member name?"); localStorage["names"] = JSON.stringify(names); var storedNames = JSON.parse(localStorage["names"]);

The following link is placed on an HTML webpage: <a href="" target="_blank"> MSDN </a> What can be inferred from it?
Answers:It will open the site in a new window.

In HTML5, which of the following is not a valid value for the type attribute when used with the <command> tag shown below? <command type="?">Click Me!</command>

Which of the following are the valid values of the <a> element's target attribute in HTML5?
Answers:"_blank" or "_self" or "_top"

Question:Which of the following will restrict an input element to accept only numerical values in a text field?
Answers:<input type="text" pattern="[0-9]*" />

Question:Consider the following JavaScript code: var c=document.getElementById("myCanvas"); var ctx=c.getContext("2d"); var img=document.getElementById("img"); Which method will correctly draw an image in the x=10, y=10 position?

Question:Once an application is offline, it remains cached until the following happens (select all that apply):
Answers:The manifest file is modified.

True or False: HTML5 Canvas can be used to create images.

What is the internal/wire format of input type="date" in HTML5?

Which of the following is a possible way to get fullscreen video played from the browser using HTML5?
Answers:<video height="100%" width="100%">

Which of the following video file formats are currently supported by the <video> element of HTML5?
Answers:MPEG 4 and Ogg

Which method of HTMLCanvasElement is used to represent image of Canvas Element?

You want to create a link for your website allowing users to email the webmaster. How will you implement this if the webmaster's email address is
Answers:<a href="">webmaster</a>

What is the limit to the length of HTML attributes?
Answers:There is no limit.

Which of the following is the correct way to store an object in localStorage? var obj = { 'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3 };
Answers:localStorage.setItem('obj', JSON.stringify(obj));

Which of the following are valid ways to associate custom data with an HTML5 element?
Answers:<tr class="foo" data-id-type="4">

Which of the following statements are correct with regard to the <hr> and <br> elements of HTML5?
Answers:The <hr> element is used to insert the horizontal line within the document and the <br> element is used to insert a single line break.

Which of the following video tag attributes are invalid in HTML5?

When does the ondragleave mouse event get fired in HTML5?
Answers:It gets fired when an element leaves a valid drop target.

Which of the following is the correct way to check browser support for WebSocket?
Answers:console.log(window.WebSocket ? 'supported' : 'not supported');

Which of the following HTML5 features is capable of taking a screenshot of a web page?

You are writing the code for an HTML form and you want the browser to retain the form's input values. That is, if a user submits the form and presses the browser's back button, the fully populated form is displayed instead of a blank form. Which of the following HTML 5 attributes will you use?

\How can audio files be played in HTML5? var sound = new Audio("file.wav");;

Which of the following code is used to prevent Webkit spin buttons from appearing on web pages?
Answers:input[type=number]::-webkit-inner-spin-button, input[type=number]::-webkit-outer-spin-button { -webkit-appearance: none; margin: 0; }

Which media event will be fired when a media resource element suddenly becomes empty?

Consider the following items of a <select> list: <option value="89">Item 1</option> <option value="90">Item 2</option> Which of the following values would be passed on by clicking the submit button on selecting Item 2 from the list?

Which is the standard method for clearing a canvas?
Answers:context.clearRect ( x , y , w , h );

Which of the following methods can be used to estimate page load times?
Answers:Using the Navigation Timing JavaScript API.

What is the role of the <dfn> element in HTML5?
Answers:It is used to define a definition term.

What is the difference between Server-Sent Events (SSEs) and WebSockets in HTML5?
Answers:WebSockets can perform bi-directional (client-server and vice versa) data transfers, while SSEs can only push data to the client/browser.

What does P2P streaming mean when web applications establish a P2P HTTP connection using HTML?
Answers:It means that streaming of a voice/video frame is direct, without using any server between them.

Which of the following statements regarding WebSockets is true?
All of the abvoe

Which HTML5 doctype declarations are correct?
Answers:<!DOCTYPE html>

The following are valid use cases of client file/directory access in HTML5, except:
Answers:Use of the HTML5 File API

How does a button created by the <button> tag differ from the one created by an <input> tag?
Answers:A button tag can include images as well.

Which of the following <link> attributes are not supported in HTML5?
Answers:"rev" or "charset"

Which of the following is the correct way to display a PDF file in the browser?
Answers:<object type="application/pdf" data="filename.pdf" width="100%" height="100%"/>

True or false: JavaScript objects can be stored directly into localStorage.

Which media event is triggered when there is an error in fetching media data in HTML5?

Which of the following are sample use cases for HTML5 web workers?
Answers:All of these.

Which of the following is the correct way to play an audio file in HTML5?
Answers:<audio controls> <source src="file.ogg" type="audio/ogg"> <source src="file.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"> </audio>

Once an application is offline, it remains cached until the following happens (select all that apply):
Answers:The manifest file is modified. or The user clears their browser's data storage for the site.

Can we store JavaScript Objects directly into localStorage ?

Which of the following attributes gets hidden when the user clicks on the element that it modifies? (Eg. hint text inside the fields of web forms)

What is the purpose of the <q> element in HTML5?
Answers:It is used to define the start of a short quotation

Which of the following is the correct way to play an audio file in HTML5?
Answers:21 u <audio controls> <source src="file.ogg" type="audio/ogg"> <source src="file.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"> </audio>

Which of the following are true about the ARIA role attribute in HTML5?
Answers:The attribute must have a value that is a set of space-separated tokens representing the various WAI-ARIA roles that the element belongs to.

Which following are valid default values for the <input type="date"> HTML5 element?

Which of the following is not a valid attribute for the <video> element in HTML5?

Which of the following is not a valid syntax for the <link> element in HTML5?
Answers:<link rev="stylesheet" href="abc.css" type="text/css" target="_parent">

How can an HTML5 canvas size be changed so that it fits the entire window?
Answers:<script type="text/javascript"> function resize_canvas(){ canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"); if (canvas.width < window.innerWidth) { canvas.width = window.innerWidth; } if (canvas.height < window.innerHeight) { canvas.height = window.innerHeight; } } </script>

1which HTML element is used to make a drop down selection with options divided to sections
ans: optgroup

2 how many input elements can get automatic focus after page load
ans 1

3 select all the valid attributes of an audio element choose all that apply
ans autoplay control src

4 which of these elements are deprecated in HTML5
<centre >and,
< front>

5 which of the following is not a core method of web sql database API
ans connect

6 which of the following is not a valid attribute for the audio element in HTML5
ans stopped

7 what is the correct HTML element to define important text
ans <strong>

8 which method is used to fetch the current geographic location of the user and update it as the user moves
ANS getcurrentposition()

9 which method is used to check if the browser can play the specified audio/video type
ans canplaytype

10 select the valid content sectioning elements choose all that apply
ans article and footer

11 what is used to continuously events   from the web server to the client's Browser
ans server and events

12 which of the following video formats is not supported by the video tag
ans mov

13 which of these statements are considered as best practices choose all that apply
ans place all CSS / JavaScript files within the <head> element
place CSS files within the <head> element
place JavaScript files at the bottom of <body> element

14 which method is used to finish a launched worker
ans terminate

15 the image data object represents the underlying pixel data of an area of a Canvas object including the following read only attributes check all that apply
ans width,height,data

16 which of the following attribute triggers event when an element gets user input
ans ondata

17 which value of socket.readystate indicates that the connection is going through the closing handshake
ans 2

18 which of the following HTML element is used to create vector graphics
ans <svg/>

19 what was the previous version of HTML prior to HTML5
ans HTML 4.01

20 which of the following are important attributes that can be used with <embed> tag choose all that apply
ans autoplay

21 which of the following are valid input types check all that apply
ans button,date,email,range

22 which of the following attributes can be specified on any HTML element choose all that apply
ans contenteditable ,ID, spellcheck, translate

23 which one of the following is not a valid input control in HTML5
ans address

24 how can you enable grammar checking for the text input
ans add attribute spellcheck

25 Which attribute specifies whether or not a user is allowed to drag an element.
ans draggable

26 the HTML5 element used to draw graphics via scripting.
ans. canvas

27 which HTML element could be used to display an ordered list
ans ol

28 which of the following is / are valid HTML5 attributes check all that apply
ans spellcheck ,contextmenu

29 which of the following are valid for the template element in HTML5 choose all that apply
ans 1 templates are render inside the document, so you can easily access them via JavaScript  example document.get element by ID or query selector dot
2templates provides a method for declaring inert dom subtrees and manipulating them to instantiate document fragments with identical contents

30 which tag in HTML5 can be used to define navigation links
ans nav

31 select correctly written HTML elements choose all that apply
ans<input type>="submit" value="submit">

32 please select the allowed pragma Directives http-equiv attributes on meta element choose  all that apply
ans content-language,page-type

33 custom data attributes ( data - * )are very useful for storing data private to a page or applications are there any naming conventions for custom data attributes
ans: custom data attribute's name has to start with the string "data-" followed by at least one character it also has to be XML-compatible and contain no uppercase a s c i i letters.

34 what is the difference between the randonly and the disabled attribute of form controls
ans :form control with the read only attribute allow the user to select the text and interact with it where is disabled controls are entirely non interactive
  the read only attribute can only be used on text controls

35 how do you make the content inside an element editable
ans setting the attribute contenteditable="true"

36 which attributes are supported by the HTML <object> tag check all that apply
ans usemap,declare,classid, archive

37 which of the following attribute triggers and abort event
ans onabort
38 which of the following elements are obsolete in the latest HTML5 specification
ans blink,embed,keygen,meter

39 what is the role of the <wbr> element in HTML5
ans defines a wide 'br' tag

40 how many h 1 elements are recommended on a single page
ans 1 per section HTML5 or 1 per document html4

1which of the following statement is correct about server-side image maps
ans this is enabled by the ismap attribute of the image tag and requires access to a server and related image processing applications

2 choose the valid methods for navigating to a fragment identifier choose all that apply
ans all
3 which method is used to fetch the current geographic location of the user and update it as the user moves
ans getcurrentposition ()

4 in drawing text the Canvas rendering context provides the following methods to render the text
ans filltext(text,x,y[,maxwidth])

5which of the following methods and properties control how lines are drawn in line style
ans canvasrenderingcontext2D.setlinedash()

6 which element defines the title of a work example a book ,a Song ,a movie ,etc.)
ans <cite>

7)which method is used to execute a query in websql
ans executesql

8 how can audio files be played in HTML5
var sound = new audio("file.wav");


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